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AI in PATOffice

We have been integrating generative artificial intelligence since mid-2023.
In addition to our applied AI projects, in which we carry out large-scale and global competition and technology analyses, our generative AI integrated directly into PATOffice provides efficient support in the daily work with patents.

Our generative AI not only supports IP experts in quickly reading and analyzing patents, but also team members or specialists who are not patent and IP experts.

Where can I find generative AI in PATOffice?

The AI button is currently located next to the respective patent document in the Patent Detail View. This underlines our current approach of analyzing individual patents.
The comparison and analysis of two or more patents is currently in progress and will be released step by step. As soon as we have something new for you here, you will be informed via email and you will find the instructions here.

Now back to the essentials.
The generative AI of PATOffice is located in the Patent Detail View as written - i.e. directly in the patent document:

To select one of the available AI helpers, click on the button next to “AI” and select which prompt you would like to use:

The following AI prompts are currently stored under “Description” and “Claims”:
Display the original version of the patent document in the selected language

Summarize and translate (approx. 250 words)
Have the patent description (or the claims) summarized in approx. 250 words and translated.

Top 5 key takeaways (approx. 100 words)
Have the most important points from the patent summarized in approx. 100 words

Easy Claims
The output is a reformulation of the individual claims in easy-to-understand language.

Structured summary, e.g. for a newsletter
Have the patent summarized in such a way that you can send the content to your team in an email or newsletter.

Summarize and translate (for elementary school level, 50 words)
Summarize the patent as if you were explaining it to an elementary school student. Even if it seems ridiculous at first, this function helps some of our customers to fight their way through the flood of patents. We will provide detailed analyses later.

Invention Analysis
Due to numerous requests from our customers, we have implemented this prompt as quickly as possible. It helps IP managers, in particular, with the first rough analysis of possibly relevant patents.
The AI covers the following topics of the patent:
technical field
invention task
technical character
common features
inventive steps
additional benefits
enablement by prior art

Summary with focus on technical aspects
The output provides a brief description of the technical field, followed by a 250-word summary of the invention focusing on the technical aspects.

Structured summary: problem & solution of the invention
The output provides a brief structured overview of the invention with regard to the following aspects:
technical field
solution to the problem
advantages of the solution

Image analysis (of all drawings or the selected drawing)
You can now obtain short descriptions of all or the selected drawing and numberings with a single click. This is particularly useful for gaining efficiency, as drawings can be quickly “skimmed” and found to be relevant or irrelevant. While the description of all drawings concentrates on the essentials, the summary of the individually selected drawing is somewhat more detailed, but still highly summarized for maximum efficiency optimization.

Feature structure by claim formatting
The output lists the claims and separates the feature parts and characterization parts of each claim with green lines to facilitate reading. The contents of the claims is not altered.

Try it out for yourself. Have fun!

Updated on: 25/10/2024

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