Articles on: Getting started with PATOffice
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How to get an onverview of tasks assigned to you

Finding your open tasks in your dashboard

In your dashboard overview you might have already seen the little box in the top right corner, where you can find the number of tasks assigned to you?
If not, please find a little screenshot to help you find the way to this box on your dashboard:

Checking your tasks in your dashboard

Your tasks in your search console

Once clicked you will be directed to a list of patent documents in your personal search console.
This list only displays your open tasks, i.e. the documents that still need your actions in form of reading, rating, if needed commenting and maybe also tagging and forwarding.

Overview of tasks in search console

Entering the detailed view of the patent documents

In order to enter one of the documents, please just click in the line of the document title and will directly find yourself in the patent detail view, which we will be focusing on in the next article "Rating patents".

Adjusting the table settings according to your needs

For now, let's have a closer look on the search console showing your assigned, not yet reated tasks.
In order for you to be able to make it as convenient as possible, you may adjust the table settings according to your needs, by clicking on "Table settings" above the table itself.
A new pop-up window will open shortly:

Table Settings

1. Adding and removing certain cells

The table can ba adjusted based on several parameters that the patents inherit. This might e.g. be the title, the publication number/date or inventors, applicants and many more. For some it might make sense to have the inventor in the first column, for others it is way more important to distinguish by IPC class.
In the first step you may define which parameters are the most important ones for you.
You may either add new parameters (in form of columns) to your table:

Adding columns

or you may also remove certain not needed columns from your table view:

Removing columns

2. Rearranging the order

In the second step, as hardly mentioned above, you may also rearrange the order of the shown columns. This, of course, is only relevant for the columns previously defined to be part of the shown table.
In order to move them up or down, i.e. in order to change the order of the columns, you simply pull them to the place you want them to be displayed.

Changing the order of your table items

Editing in bulk with the Actions Manager

The actions manager gives users the opportunity to execute document-related actions in bulk.
Depending on your user rights, more or less actions are available to you.

Updated on: 22/05/2023

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